SEBC will be collecting baby items for the Care Net Pregnancy Center the last three weeks in March. Below is a list of items that the Center is in the greatest need of. However, if you have already been collecting items that are not on this list, the Center will happily accept them. "Gently used" clothing is also appreciated.
We are suggesting different items for each week. However, if it is more convenient for you to bring your item on one of the other two weeks, please feel free to do so.
March 13: New baby bottles, clothes (size "newborn" - spring/summer - boys and girls)
March 20: Diapers (sizes 5 and 6*), nursing pads
March 27: Bath tubs, sanitary pads
*Diapers and clothing are needed the most.
There will be a large box in the church lobby to put your donations in.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to: Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick.
Please read each Scripture passage multiple times. Let it ruminate in your spirit, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and your prayers. Take whatever time you need to focus your heart and spirit upon the things of the Father. It is my hope and prayer that this will be a time of refreshing and spiritual renewal for each of you who participate. Feel free to read more than the suggested verses if you would like to see them in their context. As we all the Holy Spirit to focus our hearts upon the things that truly matter to our Creator and Redeemer, I believe that He can do something unforgettable in each of our lives and in our families.
Because of Him,
Pastor Mike
Lord, give us a heart for those whose hearts appear to be far from yours. May our spirits be quickened to our need for your grace and love. Help us to see beyond ourselves and our own concerns so that we can embrace the life that you have for us.
Father, grant me the faith and strength to turn away from anything that might lead me off of the path that you have for me. Forgive me for allowing things and even people to distort my view of you and your incredible love for me. Make this life what you want it to be, my King.
O King, it is your kindness and mercy that breaks my heart and leads me to repentance and surrender. Help me to see just how much you love me, and the purpose for which You have made me. Allow me to realize and remember your seemingly infinite blessings that you are constantly pouring into my life.
Father, help me to see the stubbornness of my own heart so that I might let go of that which leads me away from You. Sometimes, Lord, I allow my own wants and desires to get in the way of the path that you have planned for me. Though it may be difficult, give me the faith and courage to leave those things behind that lead me on a path that differs from the one that You have designed for me.
Lord, help me to see my heart and life as You see. You know my heart, my mind and see all that I do. There is nothing in my life that is hidden from Your sight. You see me when no one else is around, and you hear my thoughts, even when they are ungodly or hurtful towards others. Transform me completely so that my mind, spirit and soul may speak loudly of your goodness and righteousness.
Father, thank you for your kindness and tender mercy. Though I am unworthy, You are willing to show me mercy. You have delivered from a life of despair and destruction. Though I was on a path of rebellion towards Your will for me, You chose to rescue me from myself. Help me to surrender to Your will and plans for this life You have given me today.
Lord, as I humbly approach you today, cleanse me from anything that might hinder my heart from being fully surrendered to you. Search my heart, O God, and root out anything in my mind, spirit and soul that leads me away from what You have planned for me. All too often, I am unwilling to walk away from some things that show contempt towards that which matters to You, my Lord. Grant me the strength and courage to lay those things at Your feet.
Father, deliver me from my pretense and shallow faith. You deserve my complete and absolute allegiance. So much of the faith that we express in our churches today has no depth. If we truly believe Your teachings, Lord, and want to follow Your desires in our lives, we must be willing to embrace whatever You have planned for us; regardless of how it may make us feel.
Savior, Your mercy helps us to see who we truly are. Deliver me from self-righteousness and self- exaltation. Help me to see others as You see them. You see those outside of our fellowship as “sheep without a shepherd”. Grant me the vision to see those outside of Your family as You see them. Jesus, give me a heart and a passion for those whom You love and whom You died for.
Father, You have shown us a heart of mercy. Help us to let go of those things that distract us from loving You with pure hearts. Forgive me for the thoughts and attitudes of entitlement that have so often crept into my spirt. You know who I am and what I’ve done. Apart from You, I am truly a lost wretch in desperate need of Your love and mercy. Deliver me from my pride and my self-centeredness, O King.
Lord, thank You for being my strength. Help me to trust You fully with every aspect of my life. Help me to trust in Your power and walk in the path that the Spirit has for me. You alone can carry me through the challenges that I face each day. Help me to truly lean upon You for the power to live out my faith each day.
Father, help me to trust in your power and strength to keep me on the path that you have for me as You watch over me and my family. Rather than giving into anxious thoughts, help me to seek You when fear and anxiety seem to envelope my spirit. Thank you, Father, for being steadfast and sure in the midst of life’s challenges and struggles.
Lord, You are faithful. You will give us all that we need and more to move through each day. When I cannot seem to take another step, You are faithful and strong enough to accomplish whatever You lay before me. It is only by Your power that I am able to accomplish that which truly brings glory to Your precious name.
Lord, help me to trust You, even when things don’t seem to be going as I think they should. In the middle of life’s storms, You are faithful and true. You are able to carry me through situations that are both frightening and, in the moment, seem hopeless. It is by our faith in You that we are able to move through life with a confidence that You have already overcome whatever we face.
My King, You are with me at all times. Why should I fear what others might do to me? There are times when we are seeking to follow You, Lord, when our heart grows weak. Though those who oppose me may seem invincible, if You have called me to stand, I know that You will give me the strength and courage to do so. Help me to be faithful no matter what I face.
Lord, we can be sure that You can and will provide our daily needs. Thank you for your provision and watch care over us. We can live each day knowing that You are right with us, and that You are willing to provide what we need for each day to live as You have called us. Help us to know the difference between what we need, and what we want.
Father, You are faithful to deliver me from my fears. All too often, I allow myself to become overwhelmed with what “might” happen, or what others “might” think or do to me. Help me to live with courage. Allow my faith in You, my King, be what gives me the courage to face whatever may come in my life. May I fear You and You alone.
My King, there is nothing in this life that can stop You from loving me. Though I may not feel close to You, or that You are unable to forgive some of my failures, I am still Yours. Help me to realize just how vast, deep and wide Your incredible love is for me. Lord, it is my hope that my mind and spirit can begin to grasp the reality that I am deeply and passionately loved by you.
God, You are faithful and worthy of our trust no matter what we might face in life. All too often, I shrink back when things come my way that seem beyond my ability to handle. Lord, help me to see that You go before me, and You are able to find a way when there doesn’t seem to be a way. Help me to trust You with my life and the plans that You have for me.
O King, You are victorious over anything that the enemy might bring our way. This world can seem frightening and confusing at times. Sometimes I can wonder whether or not Your purposes and plans will be accomplished. Help me to trust in the reality that all things are in Your hands. Help me to dwell in Your peace as I realize that You will accomplish Your purposes in Your time and however You desire.
Day 21 (Nov 7) – 1 Corinthians 15:58
Lord, help me to stay true to the faith to which You have called me. Grant me wisdom, strength and faith to overcome whatever temptations and difficulties the enemy may bring my way. I realize that I am not able to withstand his schemes in my own strength. Thus, I call out to You and ask that the Holy Spirit would empower me to walk as You desire.
Day 22 (Nov 8) – Deuteronomy 31:6-8
Father, help me to trust You for my strength, no matter how impossible things may seem in the moment. This life that we have is wrought with challenges and struggles that seem rather overwhelming and even scary to us. Ease our spirits and remind us that You will not abandon us, nor will You leave us. Since You go before us, there is nothing that we face that You did not expect. Help me to grow in my willingness to surrender to You will and trust You no matter what.
Day 23 (Nov 9) – Ephesians 6:10
My Deliverer, You are able to accomplish things in and through our lives that we would call impossible. Our lives can testify to Your power and wisdom as we learn to trust You more fully with each passing day. As we live out these lives that You have given to us, help us to become more aware of those times when it is only by Your strength that we are able to live in victory.
Lord, we know that You can accomplish whatever You desire in our lives. Help us to be patient as we follow You, knowing that You will perform the work in our lives that You desire at the appropriate time. As we faithfully follow You and walk on the path that You have for us, we will not be put to shame. The disgrace and difficulties that we have faced will not define us. Only You, O Lord, can do that.
Day 25 (Nov 11) – John 14:25-27
Thank You, Father, for sending the Holy Spirit to us. We are not abandoned as followers of Christ in this fallen world. Instead, our Savior has given us the “Comforter” so that we are never alone. His presence not only empowers us to accomplish whatever the Father has called us to do, but He also is a beautiful and constant reminder of His plan that we can accomplish what He has called us to do.
Day 26 (Nov 12) – Psalm 27:1
Lord, You are our light and salvation. Since You are leading us there is no need to fear and doubt. Your purposes and plans for our lives will be accomplished. As we surrender our wills to Yours, we can begin to see the path that You have for us. Help me to trust You, O Faithful One, with each and every step that I take on this journey called life. For You know what is best, and You always have a plan.
Day 27 (Nov 13) – Isaiah 41:10-13
Father, You are will me during the good times and the difficult times of life. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your strength. Help me to trust in Your hand, rather than spending my energy upon the difficulties and struggles all around me. You are always faithful and my hope in You is secure.
Day 28 (Nov 14) – Psalm 23:1-4
Savior, like a shepherd cares for and protects His sheep on their path, You are able to provide and empower us for our journey in life. You know when we need to nourish our spirits, when we need to act, and when we need to rest. Our lives are truly in Your hands. Help me to follow You with unbridled trust and faith. For even when we face the most overwhelming darkness that we can imagine, You are with us, and we should fear no evil.
Day 29 (Nov 15) – Philippians 1:27-28
Lord, give us the faith and courage to remain faithful, even when others oppose us, or seek to harm us. Being Your child can place a target on our lives. Help me to remain faithful and gracious, even when others seem to perceive me in a way that can be someone concerning. Help me to show the same type of compassion that You were able to demonstrate when You were opposed and misunderstood.
Day 30 (Nov 16) – Psalm 31:24
My King, You are faithful. Help me to trust You completely and with absolute confidence, knowing that You will accomplish Your plans in and through this life. Help me to boldly face each day and live out my faith with unbridled courage and grace. For You, O Lord, are my hope and my strength each and every day that I live.
Lord, help me with my doubt. It is far too easy for me to see my life and circumstances only from the perspective of the flesh. Jesus possesses all power and authority over life. When He chooses to move in our lives, we simply need to trust and submit. After all, He knows far better than us what He can accomplish in and through our lives.
Father, help me trust You completely. We have seen Your hand throughout the Bible and in our lives, yet as people we are often prone to doubt. Help us to remember what You have already done, and trust Your promises. No one else is as faithful as You are. Help me to trust Your character and Your goodness.
King Jesus, as Your children we struggle to walk by faith. It is so much easier to trust our fleshly senses than it is to trust Your promises. We like to say that we are being sensible or practical. However, the truth is that we simply lack faith in You. Help me to trust You on the path that You have for me, even when I cannot see where we are going.
Father, help me to trust Your hand at all times. You now exactly what You are doing, and You will accomplish whatever You desire with my life. Forgive me for trying to work out things through my own efforts and coercion. Help me to trust Your plan and enable me to wait upon Your hand to move at the time that You deem best.
Lord, everything in my life should point to You. Help me to live each day with gratitude for what You are accomplishing both in my life and in the lives of those around me. Whatever You choose to use this life You’ve given me to accomplish is always best. For Your plans and purposes are far higher than mine. Do with my life whatsoever You will.
Father, just as the faith of Abraham moved him to drastic action, may the faith that You have given me cause me to follow Your lead. Sometimes You may ask me to do things or go places that do not make sense at the time. Your vision for our lives is far greater than our own. You see things in us that we cannot even begin to imagine. Help us to trust You with our present and our future.
Lord, I often seek You with reservations in my spirit. Sometimes my prayers seem to testify that I do not fully trust You. Deliver me from my doubts and help me to approach the throne of grace with boldness and faith. You have proven Yourself faithful on more occasions in my life than I can count. Help me to trust You rather than give into my foolish doubts.
Lord, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, You prove Yourself to be faithful. As the Apostle faced situations of want and difficulty, he was able to realize that You were faithful. Nothing that we encounter in this life is beyond the scope of Your power and grace. Help me to trust You regardless of what my circumstances or others may say.
Father, there are times when my fears overwhelm me. Much like these disciples I am quick to shrink back in the face of the enemy, rather than trust in Your promises. Help me to seek You when I feel overwhelmed and the enemy that I face is beyond what I can overcome. For nothing is impossible with You. Help me to walk through each day remembering Who You are and what You have done in my life.
Father, quiet my spirit and help me to rest in Your presence. While it may seem good to me to remain busy in the things of God, it is more important that I am faithful in following Your lead. In the stillness of life, we can often hear Your voice. Lord, help us to be sure and take the time for stillness so that we can listen to the voice of our Creator.
Unfortunately there are many people out there looking to scam the innocent. Their targets are often seniors. Check out the articles below to learn more about how you can avoid being their next victim.
Join us as Tim Sloane leads us in a 5 session series called "Thriving in Babylon". You can join us in-person or via our Facebook livestream every Sunday at 9:45 a.m. Missed a class? Don't worry, we have you covered. You can see the videos of each week below and also download the handouts for each week.
These are confusing times for many Christians. Traditional biblical values are not only rejected; it seems as if they're attacked on every front. It's all happened at warp speed, leaving many of us spiritually and culturally disoriented or even fearful, frustrated, and angry. How can we spiritually survive in an increasingly spiritually hostile environment? And is there any hope for the next generation?
In this 5-session series, Larry Osborne introduces us to a man forced to live in a fast-changing and godless society. This man faced fears about the future, concern for his safety, and the discouragement of a world that seemed to be falling apart at warp speed. That man was Daniel, and with the power of hope, humility, and wisdom, he not only survived, but thrived.
Each session also includes real-life stories of people struggling to thrive in an ever-increasing godless society. Though Daniel lived thousands of years ago, he has much to teach us today.
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Mike CooperPastorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Michael Cooper has been our Pastor here at South End since March of 2017. He came to us after serving as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Centralia, MO. He and his wife, Debbie have been married for over thirty years and are blessed with two daughters and one son-in-law. Savannah Admire and her husband Joshua live here in mid-Maryland, while their youngest daughter Olivia is getting ready to enter her senior year of high school. Mike has been in ministry for over thirty years and has served churches in a variety of capacities, and even spent a decade serving local churches on the staff of the Missouri Baptist Convention. |
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Jennifer SloaneOffice AdministratorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Jennifer and her family first came to South End Baptist in January of 2007 for the Awana program. In 2008, she and her family started regularly attending South End Baptist Church. Jennifer is thankful for the friendships her family has made here at South End throughout the years. She is married to Tim and has three daughters – Stephanie, Emily, and Sarah. Jennifer graduated from Frostburg State University with a bachelor's degree in accounting, which has served her in several churches over the years. One of her favorite things about working at South End is getting to know the people more. |
Joe DalyYouth DirectorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Joe Daly is a 26-year veteran teacher with FCPS. A middle school teacher, he enjoys seeing what the Lord has in store for young people today as well as realizing the future is absolutely now for making sure that youth today see the love of Christ. The church today continually battles a culture that is set on destruction of our students. Joe has been married to Lynn for 45 years, and has served in youth ministry for 35 years. He has three children – Alicia, Noah and Joey. In addition to being a proud dad, he is also granddad to Gia, Mickey and Britt Graves. He graduated from the University of Maryland in 1985 with a BS degree in Business Management, and with an MS degree in Education from Hood College in 2002. Joe lives and proudly serves in the city of Frederick. |
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Chelsey HahnMusic DirectorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chelsey Hahn is a native of Frederick, Maryland. She graduated with a degree in music from Liberty University. After college, she continued her music career with teaching private voice and piano lessons. She started working at South End Baptist Church in 2014 as the accompanist. In 2017, she become the Music Director and works with the praise team. Chelsey and her husband Jake, have three children and they are blessed to have a church family who has welcomed them with open arms! |